Mundo Cibernetico

Mundo Cibernetico

activities informatics


In 3rd ESO has made ​​an introduction to computers, so this issue is a review of things we already know. 

1.-Open the browser page:

2 Read the Introduction theory 

3 Lee theory about Hardware 

4 Open your word processor and answer the following questions: 

Difference between Hardware and Software 

Fundamental tasks that a computer 

Difference between input units and output units 

Difference between bit and byte 

Multiples of a byte 

What three brands of chips listed? 

What is formatting a disk or a floppy disk? 

Differences between track, sector and cluster 

5 Save the file with the initial of the first name and surname: pprerez; if the activity is made by more than one person, add an underscore and the first initial and surname of the other: pperez_ggomez 

6 Save it in the folder you specify the teacher (or email it to your address)

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